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Table 2 Biological processes significantly enriched with treatment versus control entities

From: A framework for the targeted recruitment of crop-beneficial soil taxa based on network analysis of metagenomics data

  1. Left: KEGG modules enriched with differentially abundant KO accessions
  2. Right: KEGG pathways significantly enriched with treatment-specific environmental resources. Processes that are enriched in NTC (control) entities are colored in orange; processes that are enriched in Brassica juncea/Sinapis alba (BjSa) seed meal (SM) treatment entities are colored in green; processes that are enriched in Brassica napus SM treatment entities are colored in blue. Dark coloring indicates significance (FDR adjusted P value <  = 0.05); bright coloring indicates the experimental conditions with which the majority of entities are associated (thought below significance threshold). Only pathways with at least six entities with clear dominance (≥ 85%) of one of the treatments and exhibiting significance in at least one of the comparisons tested are shown. NA denotes pathways with less than six entities assigned