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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Longitudinal multi-omics analysis uncovers the altered landscape of gut microbiota and plasma metabolome in response to high altitude

Fig. 3

Plasma clinical indices and metabolome analysis. A PCA for plasma clinical indices. B PCA for plasma metabolome. Anosim test based on Bray–Curtis distance was conducted to measure the dissimilarity across groups. C Significantly differential plasma metabolites in both time-altitude cohort and Tibetan4k_NP. The plus signs in column Han1k_KP, Han4k_1w, Han4k_6m, Han4k_d3m, and Tibetan4k_NP represent significance of the comparison between Han1k_KP and Han1k_HP, between Han4k_1w and Han1k_KP, between Han4k_6m and Han1k_KP, between Han4k_d3m and Han4k_6m, and between Tibetan4k_NP and Han1k_KP, respectively. The q values < 0.05 denoted as “ + ”; the q values < 0.01 denoted as “ +  + ”; the q values < 0.001 denoted as “ +  +  + .” D The top 10 representative species with the highest explanation of the plasma clinical indices. E The top 10 representative species with the highest explanation of the plasma metabolome. F The top 10 representative plasma clinical indices with the highest explanation of the plasma metabolome. The total variance in clinical indices or metabolome explained by gut microbiome or clinical indices is displayed by the gray column

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