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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Host starvation and in hospite degradation of algal symbionts shape the heat stress response of the Cassiopea-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis

Fig. 3

Temperature effects on enrichment and (sub)cellular localization of isotopically labeled carbon and nitrogen in heat-stressed medusae. A 13C enrichment from 13C-bicarbonate (H13CO3) assimilated into algal symbiont cells and B translocated to their host amoebocyte cells. C Ratio of 13C enrichment between host amoebocytes and their algal symbionts. D 15N-enrichment induced by the assimilation of 15N-ammonium (NH4+) into algal symbiont cells and E into host amoebocytes. Sampling points correspond to days 5 (SP1) and 11 (SP2) of the experiment. Individual groups were compared using Tukey’s HSD (indicated above the boxplots). Asterisks indicate significant differences between treatments (*p < 0.050, **p < 0.010, ***p < 0.001). Asterisks in brackets show significant differences when only SP2 is considered. F–K Correlative SEM (FI) and NanoSIMS (GHJK) isotope ratio images of medusa sections under control conditions (F–H) and heat stress (I–K) at SP2. The corresponding 12C2 and 14N12C images are available in Figure S5. The SEM images are artificially colored, with oral epidermis (oral epi) in beige, mesoglea (m) in blue, amoebocyte (am) in yellow, amoebocytes nuclei in purple, symbionts (s) in green, and lipid droplets (ld). The color scales of the NanoSIMS images are logarithmic

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