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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Biogeographic survey of soil bacterial communities across Antarctica

Fig. 6

Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) calculated using only island or mainland samples. PCoA calculated on the Hellinger-transformed bacterial community at genus level from samples collected from islands. PCoA highlighting samples collected from islands not classified in the ACBR classification of Terauds et al. (2012) (A), reporting community correlation with bioclimatic variables (B), and highlighting samples from ACBR 3 and with more than two samples per island (C). PCoA calculated on the Hellinger-transformed bacterial community at genus level from samples collected from the mainland showing ACBRs (D) and bioclimatic variables (E) correlations to the bacterial dataset were calculated using envfit. BIO2: mean diurnal air temperature range; BIO4: temperature seasonality; BIO10: mean daily mean air temperatures of the warmest quarter; BIO15: precipitation seasonality; BIO18: mean monthly precipitation amount of the warmest quarter; SWE: Snow water equivalent; ACBR 1: North-east Antarctic Peninsula; ACBR 3: North-west Antarctic Peninsula; ACBR 4: Central South Antarctic Peninsula; ACBR 6: Dronning Maud Land; ACBR 7: East Antarctica; ACBR 8: North Victoria Land; ACBR 9: South Victoria Land; ACBR 10: Transantarctic Mountains; ACBR 12: Marie Byrd Land; ACBR 16: Prince Charles Mountains. AUI: ACBR unclassified islands

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