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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Coordination of host and endosymbiont gene expression governs endosymbiont growth and elimination in the cereal weevil Sitophilus spp.

Fig. 5

Hippo signaling in S. oryzae. A Simplified diagram of the Hippo signaling pathway proposed in the cereal weevil B. Genes involved in Hippo signaling that were detected as differentially expressed throughout the life cycle of the cereal weevil (dual RNA-seq) and/or differentially expressed between symbiotic and aposymbiotic insects (RNA-seq). When the Hippo signaling pathway is inactivated, the transcriptional co-activator Yorkie (Yki) enters the nucleus and induces transcription of target genes, leading to growth. When the Hippo signaling is activated, Warts kinase phosphorylates Yorkie, inducing its ubiquitination and degradation, therefore leading to a proliferation arrest. Hippo, Salvador (Sav), Kibra, Merlin (Mer), and Expanded (Ex) are examples of activators of the Hippo pathway, while Dachshous (Ds) and Dachs (D) are examples of repressors of Warts activity. Stars indicate in which stages we detected a significant upregulation (purple) or downregulation (gray) in symbiotic insects when compared to aposymbiotics within the RNA-seq dataset

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