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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Coordination of host and endosymbiont gene expression governs endosymbiont growth and elimination in the cereal weevil Sitophilus spp.

Fig. 3

UpSet plot with an overview of transcriptomic profiling between symbiotic and aposymbiotic strains. In total, we detected 4078 genes differentially expressed in at least one of the five developmental stages between symbiotic and aposymbiotic insects. Around half of these genes were differentially expressed stage-specifically (1917 in total, either as single dots or single triangles respectively for symbiotic or aposymbiotic strains), 1747 were either upregulated in more than one condition from symbiotic (purple) or aposymbiotic (gray) insects, while 414 genes presented mixed profiles (in yellow). To better illustrate DEGs common to more than one stage, we present on the top of the UpSet plot some examples of genes belonging to different UpSet groups. Stars indicate in which stages we detected a significant upregulation (purple) or downregulation (gray) in symbiotic insects when compared to aposymbiotic within the RNA-seq dataset

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