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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Application of culturomics in fungal isolation from mangrove sediments

Fig. 5

Fungal co-occurrence networks and volcano plot of different enrichment periods. a Fungal co-occurrence networks showing the assembly of fungal community during different periods of FECM. The nodes are colored according to abundant taxa, intermediate taxa, and rare taxa. Node size indicates the degree of connection. Edge color represents positive (green) and negative (red) correlations. b The degree of abundant taxa, intermediate taxa, rare taxa, and isolates showing the higher complexity of the rare taxa and isolates in the network with the extension of enrichment period. The significance of difference was determined by nonparametric Wilcoxon test. c Volcano plot illustrating the enrichment and depletion patterns of fungal microbiomes compared with 0-day enrichment period. Square nodes in purple indicate the isolated species obtained by increasing relative abundance by FECM

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