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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Core gut microbes Cloacibacterium and Aeromonas associated with different gastropod species could be persistently transmitted across multiple generations

Fig. 6

Overview of the longitudinal shifts of gut microbes across developmental stages in gastropods. a Rarefaction analysis of observed OTUs. b Shannon index. c–d PCoA based on the binary Jaccard dissimilarity among groups. e–f Percentage of OTUs that were unique or shared between snail population. g Longitudinal investigation patterns of gut microbes in gastropods with > 1% relative abundance. h OTUs belong to Aeromonas. i OTUs belong to Cloacibacterium. The blue and white frames represent the presence and absence of microbes during developmental stages or age points, respectively. Cultured snails refer to the laboratory snails cultured under laboratory conditions

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