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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Bacterial quorum sensing orchestrates longitudinal interactions to shape microbiota assembly

Fig. 2

Evaluation of in vitro OBMA model for simulating the assembly of oral biofilm microbiota (OBM). A Time-series photographs show the development of OBMs using the OBMA model, reflected by changes in biomass. B Alpha diversity of OBMs assembled by the OBMA model over time. C Microbiota composition of OBM shown in robust principal component analysis (PCA) biplot, which divided the assembly process into four distinct phases. D The succession of top five genera and their associated main functions during OBM assembly. E The x-axis represents the metabolic pathways annotated in the OBM metagenome. Each column in the figure is labeled with the corresponding BioCyc ID of the specific metabolic pathway. The correlation coefficients are calculated by nonparametric Spearman’s correlation between core genera in OBM and functional pathways

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