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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Cross-alteration of murine skin and tick microbiome concomitant with pathogen transmission after Ixodes ricinus bite

Fig. 5

The skin microbiome composition of the mice bitten by ticks gets closer to the microbiome of ticks. A Upset plot representation of the presence and co-occurrence of 15 taxa of interest in the ticks. The presence of the taxa is determined using a fixed threshold of total reads % in the sample mentioned in the figure. Th.: fixed threshold used for the corresponding taxa. Max: % of the taxa in the tick which has the highest proportion. Black horizontal barplots represent the number of ticks with % of the corresponding taxa above the fixed threshold. Colored vertical barplots represent the number of ticks with the corresponding combination of taxa above the fixed threshold, separated by fed nymphs (red), unfed nymphs (green), fed female ticks (blue), and unfed adult ticks (yellow). 1Candidatus Neoehrlichia; 2B. afzelii or B. burgdorferi; 3Allorhizobium-Neorhizobium-Pararhizobium-Rhizobium; 4Candidatus Allocryptoplasma; 5Multi-affiliated genera of Alcaligenaceae family (Achromobacter or Bordetella); 6Candidatus Midichloria. B Beta diversity ordination (PCoA) using Jaccard distances of the tick microbiome (all ticks, blue dots) and the skin microbiome of mice bitten by ticks (green dots) and of control mice (pink dots). C Beta diversity ordination (PCoA) using Jaccard distances of the tick microbiome separated by maturity and feeding state (blue, yellow, red, and green dots), the skin microbiome of mice bitten by female ticks (dark blue dots) or by nymphs (light blue dots), and the skin microbiome of control mice (pink dots). D Venn diagram of the common clusters present in microbiomes of adult ticks (green), nymph ticks (blue), skin of mice bitten by female ticks (pink), and skin of mice bitten by nymphs (yellow). In the Venn diagram, taxa identified as structural zeros by the ANCOM-II (analysis of compositions of microbiome II) preprocessing method were removed prior to plotting the diagram

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