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Fig. 7 | Microbiome

Fig. 7

From: Surgery-induced gut microbial dysbiosis promotes cognitive impairment via regulation of intestinal function and the metabolite palmitic amide

Fig. 7

Surgery induces altered serum metabolites and increases PA contents in Mice. A Metabolite profiles in the blood of young and aged mice with or without surgery were analyzed by non-target metabolomics. Principal component analysis of all metabolites detected in the blood of four groups of mice by orthogonal partial least squares (PLS). B Principal component analysis of all metabolites detected in the blood of four groups of mice by partial least squares (OPLS). C Bubble charts indicate the significantly changed differential metabolites in the blood of the four groups of mice, and it indicates the P value of each metabolite, the contribution to the difference (importance) and the FDR. D Anofinic acid peak areas in each blood sample of four groups of mice were extracted from the metabolic profiles and the differences between groups were analyzed. E Anofinic acid peak areas in blood samples from four groups of mice were normalized into logarithmic values and the differences between groups were analyzed. F Palmitic amide peak areas in each blood sample of four groups of mice were extracted from the metabolic profiles and the differences between groups were analyzed. G Palmitic amide peak areas in blood samples from four groups of mice were normalized into logarithmic values and the differences between groups were analyzed. H Metabolic signals were enriched by the significantly changed differential metabolites in the blood of the four groups of mice. The enriched metabolic signals are shown in a bubble chart, and the bubble chart showed all significantly changed metabolic signals. I Correlation analysis heatmap of g_Akkermansia abundance and levels of anofinic acid and palmitic amide in blood of the four groups of mice. Correlation coefficients are indicated in the heatmap; red represents a positive correlation, blue represents a negative correlation

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