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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Surgery-induced gut microbial dysbiosis promotes cognitive impairment via regulation of intestinal function and the metabolite palmitic amide

Fig. 3

Aged mice exhibit gut microbial dysbiosis, and exacerbated by surgery. A Venn diagram indicates the OTUs detected in the feces by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of four groups of mice, as well as shows OTUs unique to each group and OTUs share among different groups. B Analysis of the α-diversity of gut microbiota in the feces of the four groups of mice. C Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) was used to calculate the Bray–Curtis distance matrix to analyze the beta diversity of gut microbiota in the feces of four groups of mice. D Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe) was used to find species with significant differences at all taxonomic levels of the gut microbiota in the feces of four groups of mice. The comparison strategy was one-against-all, and the LDA threshold was 2. E Cluster analysis heatmap of genus-level species composition of the feces indicates the relative abundance changes of the top 20 genus-level flora species (average of each group) among the four groups of mice. F Hierarchical clustering analysis shows the similarity between the four groups of mouse feces and indicates the composition of species at the genus level (top 20) in every single sample. G The abundance values of g_Bacteroidetes in the four groups were extracted from the species abundance table and the differences between the four groups were analyzed. H The g_Akkermansia abundance values in the four groups were extracted from the species abundance table and the differences between the four groups were analyzed

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