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Fig. 8 | Microbiome

Fig. 8

From: Revealing the developmental characterization of rumen microbiome and its host in newly received cattle during receiving period contributes to formulating precise nutritional strategies

Fig. 8

Interactions between rumen bacteria, rumen fermentation characteristic, serum indicators, rumen metabolome, and serum metabolome. A Spearman’s rank correlations between rumen microbiota and rumen fermentation characteristic, serum indicators. B Spearman’s correlations between rumen microbiota and rumen metabolites. C Spearman’s correlations between rumen microbiota and serum metabolites. The red mean positive correlations; the blue block mean negative correlation. “*” means a significant correlation (|r|> 0.5, P < 0.05), “**” means a strong significant correlation (|r|> 0.5, P < 0.05), “***” means the extremely significant correlation (|r|> 0.5, P < 0.05)

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