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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: The multi-kingdom microbiome of the goat gastrointestinal tract

Fig. 2

Taxonomic and functional annotation of the GMMC genomes. a The phylogenetic relationship among the 4004 bacterial and 71 archaeal MAGs in the GMMC and their taxonomic classification according to GTDB-Tk [20]. The annotations from inside to outside represent annotations of species level (different colors represent different phyla), unclassified genus (in red), and unclassified species (in red). b Taxonomic among the 7204 viral genomes, color-coded by the viral phyla. The stars at the internal and leaf branches indicate unclassified rank by VirusTaxo and Demovir. c Classification rates of bacterial (right) and archaeal (left) MAGs in GTDB at different taxonomic levels. d–f Annotations of the non-redundant proteins using the CAZymes (e) and eggNOG (f) databases; Venn diagram (d) shows the overlap of the annotated protein-coding genes between eggNOG (green) and CAZyme (Orange); pies show the proportions of proteins annotated by these two methods (left) and the overall categories (right)

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