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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Gut microbiota of old mice worsens neurological outcome after brain ischemia via increased valeric acid and IL-17 in the blood

Fig. 5

Worsening of neurological outcome and heightened inflammatory responses in the brain after brain ischemia in young mice transplanted with old mouse feces. Young mice (8 weeks old) received saline, cefazolin, cefazolin, and then transplantation of old mouse feces or cefazolin and then transplantation of young mouse feces. They were subjected to 120-min MCAO 2 weeks after the fecal transplantation and named Young-saline, Young-antibiotic, Young-oFMT, and Young-yFMT, respectively. Their neurological outcome was evaluated and brain was collected 24 h after MCAO. A Representative brain slice images after 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. B Infarct volume. C Neurological deficit scores. D Performance on rotarod. E IL-17 concentrations in the brain. F IL-1β concentrations in the brain. G IL-6 concentrations in the brain. H IL-10 concentrations in the brain. One cohort of mice was used to generate the data presented in panels A to D. Another cohort was used for the data presented in panels E to H. Parametric results in normal distribution are in mean ± S.E.M. (panels B and E) and other results that are nonparametric data or parametric data in non-normal distribution are presented as median with interquartile range (all other panels). Data of each individual animal is also presented (n = 14–19 for panels B to D, = 8 for panels E to H)

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