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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Gill-associated bacteria are homogeneously selected in amphibious mangrove crabs to sustain host intertidal adaptation

Fig. 2

Identification of phylogenetic clades with distinct phylogenetic turnover patterns compared to the rest of the microbiome across all samples. The phylogenetic tree concerns all OTUs from all samples. Clades containing more than 15 OTUs are colour-coded on the phylogenetic tree, and the consensus taxonomy is given for each clade on the left with font size proportional to taxonomic breadth. The total phyloscore of each clade (i.e. the sums of the phyloscores across community pairs) is shown to the right as bars with colours matching the clades’ colours. Negative phyloscores indicate clades that contain OTUs whose closest relatives (across samples) reside at shorter phylogenetic distances than those expected by chance, and vice versa. Thus, negative phyloscores indicate clades having lower-than-expected phylogenetic turnover (i.e. clades with a niche across all crab gills) and vice versa

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