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Fig. 1 | Microbiome

Fig. 1

From: BinaRena: a dedicated interactive platform for human-guided exploration and binning of metagenomes

Fig. 1

A screenshot of the main interface of BinaRena. The program is displaying the MAQ dataset, consisting of 262,705 contigs obtained from a co-assembly of six tropical peatland metagenomes. X- and y-axes represent t-SNE embeddings based on tetranucleotide frequencies. Marker size (radius) is proportional to the cube root of contig length. Marker opacity is proportional to the logarithm of sequencing depth (coverage) in one sample. Colors are assigned to the 10 most frequent phyla binned from DASTool. A binning plan consisting of 277 bins pre-computed by DASTool is loaded in the program, allowing the user to explore and manipulate individual bins by adding/removing individual contigs. A spatially distinct cluster of 3461 contigs putatively representing multiple Nitrososphaeria MAGs is currently selected by the user. The properties of the selected contigs are summarized in a side panel. The distribution of coverage is displayed as a histogram. Red-edged text boxes indicate functional components of the BinaRena interface

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