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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Radiation impacts gene redundancy and biofilm regulation of cryoconite microbiomes in Northern Hemisphere glaciers

Fig. 4

Co-occurrence networks of metagenomic KEGG Orthologs. a Correlation heatmap between the network modules and radiation. The colors correspond to the correlation values, red is positively correlated, and blue is negatively correlated. The values in each of the squares correspond to the assigned Pearson correlation coefficient value on top and p-value in brackets below. Adjacent barplots indicate KEGG Orthologs (KOs) numbers of each module. b Relative importance of network modules for predicting radiation variation based on L1-regularized regression that least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO). c Results of multiple regressions after selection process of LASSO on all modules. Each variable was standardized before comparing effect sizes (squares) to determine differences in the strength of predictor variables. The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals (CI) and indicate a significant (p < 0.05) effect when not overlapping with 0. d Co-occurrence network of selected genes involving biofilm formation in module MEblue. e Co-occurrence network of selected genes involving biofilm formation in module MEturquoise. Node size represents betweenness centrality, and high betweenness centrality nodes are labeled their KOs

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