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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: A microbial causal mediation analytic tool for health disparity and applications in body mass index

Fig. 5

Health disparity analyses in the matched APIs and Caucasians from the AGP dataset. a Violin plots of BMI in the matched APIs and Caucasians from the AGP dataset. b The average and standard error of MDM and RDM of BMI in the API- Caucasian comparison based on the splitting strategy with 50 times of repetitions. c Component-wise point and 95% CI estimates of \({MDM}_{j}\) for the identified species that have mediation effects on the differences of BMI between matched APIs and Caucasians from the AGP dataset. 95% CI estimates of \({MDM}_{j}\) were calculated based on the splitting strategy with 50 times of repetitions. d The taxonomic relationship of the species playing mediation effects in the disparity of BMI among China-USA, China-UK, and API-Caucasian comparisons. The tree figure was generated by Metacoder [55]. From the outer to the center, taxonomic ranks are species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, and kingdom (Bacteria), respectively. For each species, color represents the number of comparisons that identify it among China-USA, China-UK, and API-Caucasian comparisons. APIs Asian or Pacific Islanders

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