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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Jellyfish detritus supports niche partitioning and metabolic interactions among pelagic marine bacteria

Fig. 6

Shared and unique metabolic processes mediated by key taxa during the jelly-OM degradation process. A Number of upregulated GO terms in jelly-OM vs. control treatment associated with specific MAGs and shared among different key MAGs of jelly-OM degrading consortium during late exponential and decay phase of bacterial community growth. B, C Log2FC and q-value of up- and down-regulated GO terms during late exponential (B) and decay (C) phase of bacterial community growth: highlighted are metabolic processes associated with specific substrate and some specific features associated with cellular response to jelly-OM amendment. D Heatmap of selected individual proteins (KEGG annotated) grouped according to their role in interactions within the microbial community and environmental information processing and specific catabolic/metabolic pathways. For details, please see Additional File 2: Table S11, S12

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