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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Unique microbial landscape in the human oropharynx during different types of acute respiratory tract infections

Fig. 2

Viral infections correlate to specific upper respiratory tract microbiota disorders. A PCoA based on Bray-Curtis distances was analyzed, and PERMANOVA was used to evaluate the variation of microbial composition between the virus-positive and healthy groups. B LEfSe was used to calculate the difference between genera between virus-positive and healthy groups and take the union of the genera to show the enrichment features. C, D Differences in the relative abundance of Veillonella and Granulicatella between virus-positive and healthy groups (Kruskal-Wallis test as well as Wilcoxon rank-sum test with subsequent Bonferroni correction). E PCA was performed based on the LDA values of the different genera, and Biplot was used to evaluate the association between the infectious group (arrows) and genera (points)

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