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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Akkermansia muciniphila, which is enriched in the gut microbiota by metformin, improves cognitive function in aged mice by reducing the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6

Fig. 6

IL-6 plays a key role in A. muciniphila-mediated improvement of cognitive function. a The escape latency during the acquisition phase was significantly shorter in IL-6 antibody-treated mice than that in the control group and the IL-6 recombinant protein (RP)-treated group. b The latency to first crossing the former platform location was slightly decreased in the IL-6 antibody-treated group but not in the IL-6 RP-treated group during the probe test. c The number of times that the platform location was crossed was significantly decreased in the IL-6 RP-treated group and increased in the IL-6 antibody-treated group compared with that in the control group. d The escape latency was significantly shorter in the A. muciniphila-treated group than that in the control group, but this difference was eliminated after IL-6 RP treatment. e The time spent in the target quadrant during the probe trial was significantly increased in the A. muciniphila-treated group, but the difference was eliminated after IL-6 RP treatment. Ctrl, control; AKK, A. muciniphila. The overall significance among three or four groups was determined by one-way-ANOVA. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; ns, not significant

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