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Fig. 7 | Microbiome

Fig. 7

From: Succession and determinants of the early life nasopharyngeal microbiota in a South African birth cohort

Fig. 7

Differential abundance testing for environmental or sociodemographic variables. Differential abundance testing results are presented for A sex, B gestational age, C older siblings, D daycare attendance (prior to specimen collection), E first report of antibiotic administration (prior to specimen collection), F tuberculosis isoniazid prophylaxis, G HIV exposure, H weight-for-age z score measured at 12 months, and I height-for-age z score measured at 12 months across three specimen collection intervals (interval A: M01-M03, interval B: M04-M06, and interval C: M07-M12). Differentially abundant taxa are shown at genus- and ASV-level. Taxa with q values < 0.10 were deemed differentially abundant using Microbiome Multivariable Associations with Linear Models (MaAsLin2). The color intensity of each taxon bar represents the level of significance (darker shades represent smaller q values). The horizontal length of each taxon bar shows the MaAsLin2 coefficient. Stars next to q values show differentially abundant taxa as per Analysis of Composition of Microbiomes (ANCOM 2) (W statistic > 0.6)

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