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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Addition of cariogenic pathogens to complex oral microflora drives significant changes in biofilm compositions and functionalities

Fig. 6

KEGG ortholog changes in prominent pathways within biofilms. A Heatmap of KEGG orthologs that were differentially abundant in both glucose/fructose and sucrose conditions. B Heatmap of KEGG orthologs that were differentially abundant only in the sucrose condition. C Heatmap of KEGG orthologs that were differentially abundant only in the glucose/fructose condition. Linear model estimate is based on log2-transformed relative abundances. * = FDR < 0.05. Orthologs are color-coded by their KEGG pathways categories. The total number of blocks represents the number of unique pathways each ortholog is assigned to. KEGG orthologs were selected in the pathways shown in Fig. 5. See Table S3 for a more detailed description of the orthologs

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