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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: The gut microbiome modifies the associations of short- and long-term physical activity with body weight changes

Fig. 2

Associations of physical activity (PA) and body weight measures with individual gut microbial species and pathway abundances in the Men’s Lifestyle Validation Study (MLVS). a Significant associations of recent and long-term total PA and body weight measure with microbial species (q ≤ 0.25). The q values (false discovery rate adjusted p value) were calculated using the Benjamini–Hochberg method with a target rate of 0.25. This plot shows associations of the factors with specific microbial species overlaid onto their taxonomy. The red-to-green gradient in the outer rings represents the magnitude and direction of the associations between the factors and species’ abundances. The colors of the innermost ring and phylogenetic trees differentiate major phyla. All models included each participant’s identifier as random effects and simultaneously adjusted for age, smoking, Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), total energy intake, probiotic use, antibiotic use, and Bristol stool scale. b, c Associations of recent and long-term total PA and body weight measures with microbial functions (as MetaCyc pathways and EC enzymes). Beta coefficients were derived from multivariable-adjusted generalized linear mixed-effects regression models as above, with multiple comparison adjustment also as above. All the analyses in these panels were conducted based on all 925 metagenomes collected from 307 participants. All the statistical tests were two-sided

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