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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Metagenomic insights into the microbe-mediated B and K2 vitamin biosynthesis in the gastrointestinal microbiome of ruminants

Fig. 3

2366 genomes identified to synthesize B and K2 vitamins. a The workflow of identifying genomes that can synthesize B and K2 vitamins. b Genomic statistics for 2366 VPGs. c The number of genomes retrieved from the GIT regions. d Genome comparison of taxonomy and core KOs between VPGs and NPGs. e The maximum-likelihood tree of 2366 VPGs. Clades are colored according to the source of genomes. The heatmaps in the outer layer show that the corresponding genome has vitamin synthesis capabilities (colored) or not (blank). f Correlation network of vitamins and genomes, and genomes are colored with taxonomic information. The GIT regions are abbreviated as rumen (RUM), reticulum (RET), omasum (OMA), abomasum (ABO), duodenum (DUO), jejunum (JEJ), ileum (ILE), cecum (CEC), colon (COL), rectum (REC), and feces (FEC). B vitamins and VK2 are abbreviated as thiamine (THI), riboflavin (RIB), niacin (NIA), pantothenate (PAN), pyridoxine (PYR), biotin (BIO), folate (FOL), cobalamin (COB), and menaquinone (MEN)

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