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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Metabolite-based dietary supplementation in human type 1 diabetes is associated with microbiota and immune modulation

Fig. 3

Composition and function of the gut microbiome is altered following HAMSAB supplementation. A Multivariate sPLS-DA comparing microbial species present at each timepoint. Significance determined by PERMANOVA. Loadings shown in Fig S1. B Alpha diversity measured by inverse Simpson index. Overall significance determined by GEE and pairwise differences between timepoints by estimated marginal means. Colors indicate individual participants. Box plots show mean and upper and lower quartile ranges. C Mean log foldchange in relative abundance from baseline at W6 and W12, grouped by taxonomic classification. Asterix represents GEE significance of changes in abundance from baseline. Error bars represent standard deviation. # adjusted P < 0.1, *adjusted P < 0.1–0.05, **adjusted P < 0.01, ***adjusted P < 0.001. D Multivariate sPLS-DA comparing microbial pathways present at each timepoint and plot loadings indicating the contribution of each bacterial function to the variance. Color corresponds to the timepoint

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