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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Spatiotemporal variation of the indoor mycobiome in daycare centers

Fig. 2

Fungal community composition in indoor dust samples from two daycare centers in Oslo, Norway throughout a full year. a NMDS ordination plot of indoor dust samples displaying their compositional variation in the mycobiome. The color differentiates the main rooms from the auxiliary rooms. b NMDS ordination plot of main rooms, with colors differentiating between the rooms. c NMDS ordination plot of the indoor samples differentiated by season, including numerical variables with significant association (p < 0.05). d Variation partitioning analysis (VPA) for the indoor dataset (including auxiliary and main rooms), summarizing the effects of four groups of variables: climate = temperature (PCA1) and moisture (PCA2), time = month and season, space = daycare and room, occupants = number of adults, age of children and number of children

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