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Table 2 Key information to report within sequenced-based microbiome manuscripts

From: Identifying biases and their potential solutions in human microbiome studies

Processing step


Sample collection

- - Description of samples of interest

- Collection location

- Collection device

- Number of different collection personnel

- Sterile techniques used

- Use of technical replicates

Sample storage

- Media used to store samples

- Length of storage and storage conditions

- Length of time spent unpreserved

DNA extraction

- DNA extraction method

- If using manufacturer kit:

 ◦ Product name

 ◦ Optional steps used

- Any methods used to reduce or remove possible contaminants

Library preparation

- PCR parameters including:

 ◦ Polymerase

 ◦ Cycle number

 ◦ Thermal profile

- Marker gene studies:

 ◦ Primer names and gene target(s)

- Metagenomic shotgun studies:

 ◦ Library preparation kit name/protocol

 ◦ Detailed information about:

  ▪ DNA fragmentation

  ▪ DNA fragment repair

  ▪ Ligation

  ▪ PCR amplification

- Normalization method

- Amount of starting template used


- Sequencing platform

- Consumable product names

- Whether demultiplexing or any other sequence pre-processing on-instrument was done


- All tools used to process raw data along with:

 ◦ Goal of tool

 ◦ Version number

 ◦ Non-default parameters

- Any database names along with their version numbers

- Any statistical tests used to analysis data