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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics (25 allo-HSCT patients)

From: Unmasking viral sequences by metagenomic next-generation sequencing in adult human blood samples during steroid-refractory/dependent graft-versus-host disease



n = 25


 Sex (male), n (%)

16 (64.0)

 Age, median (IQR)

58.0 (25.0)

Allo-HSCT considered in the analysis, n (%)


23 (92.0)


2 (8.0)

Transplant source, n (%)

 Bone marrow

5 (20)

 Peripheral blood cells

20 (80)

Underlying disease, n (%)

 Acute myeloid leukemia

10 (40.0)

 Lymphoid malignancy

6 (24.0)


3 (12.0)

 Acute lymphoid leukemia

2 (8.0)


4 (16.0)

Risk score, n (%)


0 (0)


18 (72.0)


7 (28.0)

Donor sex, M, n (%)

7 (28.0)

Donor age, median (IQR)

36 (16.5)

Donor match, n (%)


10 (40.0)

CMV donor/recipient constellation, n (%)


12 (48.0)


1 (4.0)


7 (28.0)


5 (20.0)

CMV prophylaxis, n (%)

1 (4.0)

Conditioning, n (%)

 Myeloablative conditioning

5 (20.0)

GvHD prophylaxis, n (%)

 Calcineurin inhibitor

24 (96.0)

 Mycophenolate mofetil

17 (68.0)


7 (28.0)

GvHD organ, n (%)

 Digestive tract

17 (68.0)


15 (60.0)


4 (16.0)


7 (28.0)


5 (20.0)


2 (8.0)


1 (4.0)

GvHD grade or severity, n (%)



9 (36.0)


3 (12.0)


6 (24.0)


6 (24.0)


7 (28.0)

GvHD treatment, n (%)


24 (96.0)


22 (88.0)

 Calcineurin inhibitor

21 (84.0)

 Mycophenolate mofetil

12 (48.0)


12 (48.0)


5 (20.0)


3 (12.0)


2 (8.0)


6 (24.0)

Death, n (%)

15 (60.0)

 Median delay from allo-HSCT, months (IQR)

11.2 (15.8)

  1. One patient could have multiple GvHD prophylaxis and treatment, multiple organs with GvHD and multiple grades of severity. CMV prophylaxis: one patient (patient Ge24) received letermovir during the period of intensive steroid treatment or second-line GvHD therapy. GvHD grade refers to acute GvHD, GvHD severity refers to chronic GvHD. In two patients, there was no information on grade/severity. Only organs with grade GvHD ≥ 2 or severity ≥ moderate are reported
  2. Abbreviations: IQR interquartile range, allo-HSCT allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, MDS/MDPS myelodysplasic syndrome/myelodysplasic proliferative syndrome, ATG anti-thymocyte globulin
  3. aOther includes: multiple myeloma (n = 2), chronic myeloid leukemia (n = 1) and mixed acute leukemia (n = 1)
  4. bOther includes: azithromycine, montelukast, prolastin, vedolisumab, nilotinib, basilixumab, ibrutinib, and/or methotrexate