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Fig. 1 | Microbiome

Fig. 1

From: Gut microbiome is linked to functions of peripheral immune cells in transition cows during excessive lipolysis

Fig. 1

Construction of the single-cell landscape of the peripheral immune cells isolated from transition dairy cows with low (LNF) and excessive (HNF) lipolysis. A T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (T-SNE) map of major cell type clusters identified from the immune cells isolated from a LNF and a HNF transition cow. Annotation of cell types was conducted based on the highly expressed marker genes in transcript clusters. B Expression of marker genes in different immune cell populations. Colors represent the average expression of marker genes in each cell type and the size of dots represents % of the cells that express the genes. C Ten representative immune biological pathways from top 30 pathways that enriched from the downregulated differentially expressed genes of immune cells isolated from HNF cow. The pathways are presented as log10 p value, and the color scheme is used to indicate the immune cell population. DC dendritic cell, MON monocyte, NEU neutrophil, NK natural killer cells, PC plasma cell

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