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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Mycorrhiza-mediated recruitment of complete denitrifying Pseudomonas reduces N2O emissions from soil

Fig. 2

N2O emissions from patches in the absence (−AMF) or presence (+AMF) of AMF. A Pot expt 1. N2O concentrations from different patches under −AMF and +AMF treatments at 24 h after the addition of NO3-N or NH4+-N (n = 4). Control, soil patch; NSfaba and Sfaba, patches with unsterilized (NS) or sterilized (S) faba bean residues, respectively; asterisk, significant difference between −AMF and +AMF treatments in each patch type by two-tailed unpaired t test under NO3-N addition treatment (*, P < 0.05). B Pot expt 2. N2O flux and cumulative N2O emission at both harvests from patches under −AMF and +AMF treatments (n = 5); T1 and T2, first (day 24) and second (day 34) harvests, respectively; asterisks, significant differences between −AMF and +AMF treatments within each gas-sampling time or each harvest according to two-tailed unpaired t test (**, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001). The box plots show the 25–75th percentiles (box), the median and the mean (the band and the dot inside the box), and the minimum to maximum values excluding outliers (whiskers)

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