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Fig. 8 | Microbiome

Fig. 8

From: Evaluating the ecological hypothesis: early life salivary microbiome assembly predicts dental caries in a longitudinal case-control study

Fig. 8

Incident-visit plaque and saliva samples exhibited significantly different abundances of KEGG ortholog groups among 15 early childhood caries cases and 15 incidence density-matched controls selected from the Center for Oral Health Research in Appalachia 2 study. A Volcano plots showing the −log10 pvalue and log2 fold change between cases and controls of KEGG orthologs in plaque and saliva samples. Points are colored black if Benjamini-Hochberg P value > 0.05 and by the first top-level KEGG annotation from the KEGG hierarchy of the KEGG ortholog if the adjusted P value < 0.05. The top 6 most significant KEGG orthologs are annotated with the name of the KEGG ortholog and the taxa in which that KEGG ortholog was found in our sample. B Count of KEGG orthologs with Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted P value < 0.05 by 3rd level KEGG annotation (y-axis), faceted by top level KEGG annotation (colors same as in 3A)

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