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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Plastic leachates impair picophytoplankton and dramatically reshape the marine microbiome

Fig. 4

Plastic leachate and zinc impact on the functional potential of marine communities. Distribution of microbial functional genes annotated with KEGG and/or COG retrieved from metagenomic analyses of all samples. a Multidimensional scaling plot (nMDS) of the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity based on the normalized distribution of functional genes. Stress of the nMDS is displayed on the plot. b Relative percent enrichment and significance of the different COG categories in each treatment compared to the control. The mean relative abundances of COG categories were summed for each treatment. Categories with less than 1000 reads mapping back were excluded from the plot. Bars are color-coded as indicated in a. Asterisks (*) indicate significant enrichment relative to the seawater control based on the pairwise t-test (FDR-corrected) calculated on COG category relative abundances (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001) (*metabolites = secondary metabolites). c Heatmap indicating the log2 of DESeq2-normalized read count observed in the control and each treatment for differentially abundant genes that belong to the KEGG pathways related to important COG categories. The set of genes displayed are those that had > 500 reads mapping back across the whole dataset and a DESeq2-derived log2-fold change of read counts > 2 and < − 2. (sec*, secA,D,E,F,G,Y; AMR, antimicrobial resistance)

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