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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Systematic profiling of the chicken gut microbiome reveals dietary supplementation with antibiotics alters expression of multiple microbial pathways with minimal impact on community structure

Fig. 2

Microbial changes and interactions within the ceca. A Upset plot showing overlap in taxa exhibiting significant differential abundance across cecal comparisons between the four treatments over two timepoints (W = wheat; WA = wheat + AGPs; C = corn; CA = corn + AGPs). Only combinations with at least three taxa exhibiting significant changes are shown; remaining combinations are summarized in the last column. Note, to reflect the inability of 16S rRNA surveys to provide equal taxonomic resolution across all phyla and in line with previous studies [43], taxa are represented by a mix of taxonomic levels. B Box and whisker plots showing the 28 taxa that exhibit significant differences (as indicated by asterisks) in abundance due to AGPs (and not diet) in the day 40 cecal samples. C Co-occurrence networks generated with DGCA [44] for day 40 ceca samples. Each node represents a genus, shaded according to higher taxonomic levels (see inset). Links between genera indicate a significant correlation within that dataset

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