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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Vertical transmission of the gut microbiota influences glucose metabolism in offspring of mice with hyperglycaemia in pregnancy

Fig. 5

C-section and cross-fostering both interrupt the vertical transmission of the gut microbiota. a Venn diagrams showing that mothers with different glucose metabolism profiles share ASVs with their offspring. b Heatmap showing the maternal core gut microbiota in the different mother groups defined according to the common rate of over 80%, demonstrating the vertical transmission of the maternal core gut microbiota. The ASVs labelled with black text represent part of the core microbiota of both high-fat diet-fed and normal chow diet-fed mothers, the ASVs labelled with red text are part of the core microbiota of high-fat diet-fed mothers only and the ASVs labelled with blue text are part of the core microbiota of normal chow diet-fed mothers only. c Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of all offspring groups on the first two principal coordinates was performed based on the Jaccard distance. d The relative abundance of co-abundant groups (CAGs) of microbiota ASVs in offspring mice and the relative abundance of co-abundant modules of faecal metabolites in offspring mice. e The spearman’s correlation network of microbiota CAGs, faecal metabolites modules and clinical indexes. The colour represents positive (red) or negative (blue) correlations. The ASV or metabolite labelled beside correspond CAG or module was the hub ASV or metabolite. mHF (n=7): maternal group with high-fat diet; mNC (n=8): maternal group with normal control diet; HF (n=10): offspring delivered by the mHF group; NC (n=10): offspring delivered by the mNC group. HF-CS (n=6): offspring born to mHF by C-section; NC-CS (n=10): offspring born to mNC by C-section. HF-CF (n=10): offspring delivered by the mHF group and cross-fostered by the mNC group; NC-CF (n=10): offspring delivered by mNC and cross-fostered by the mHF group. HF-CS-CF (n=7); offspring born to mHF by C-section and cross-fostered by the mNC group; NC-CS-CF (n=10): offspring born to mNC by C-section and cross-fostered by the mHF group

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