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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Host-microbiota interaction-mediated resistance to inflammatory bowel disease in pigs

Fig. 2

Shifts in the colonic microbiota composition of Min pigs and Yorkshire pigs after DSS treatment. a Comparison of the observed OTUs and Shannon, Simpson and Chao1 indices of the gut microbiota between control and diseased Min pigs and Yorkshire pigs (n = 6 samples/group). b Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plot of the microbial compositional profiles between control and diseased Min pigs and Yorkshire pigs (n = 6 samples/group). Relative abundance of the colonic microbiota at the c phylum, d family and e genus levels in Min pigs and Yorkshire pigs after DSS treatment (n = 6 samples/group)

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