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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Geographical resistome profiling in the honeybee microbiome reveals resistance gene transfer conferred by mobilizable plasmids

Fig. 2

Abundance and composition of ARGs in A. cerana and A. mellifera guts. a Stacked bar charts showing relative abundance of different classes of ARGs in each bee individual. b, c Box plots showing the total class (b) and group c number of ARGs identified in each sample. d The total abundance of ARGs normalized by the amount of gut bacterial cells. e The Shannon diversity of each sample at the level of ARG group. f PCoA based on Bray-Curtis distances of group-level resistome compositions. Boxplots (left panel) indicate the distribution of each group of honeybee along the first principal coordinate (PCoA 1). g, h Procrustes analysis between the microbiota taxonomic compositions and the profiles of resistome. g The change in the ordination position of resistome (dotted ends) and the microbiota (non-dotted ends) is displayed. The correlation coefficients and significance were calculated with the protest function in vegan. M2 indicates the sum of squared distances between matched sample pairs. h The residual line plot enables easier residual size comparison, showing the differences in the microbiome-resistome association between A. cerana gut samples. Different letters (a, b, c, d) above each bar stand for statistical differences between sampling sites (least-significant difference (LSD) test, P < 0.05)

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