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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: The microbiota restrains neurodegenerative microglia in a model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Fig. 3

Antibiotics enhance SOD1-associated transcriptional changes in microglia. a PCA plot of microglia gene expression. b, c SOD1 effect: volcano plots of microglia genes that differ between WT and SOD1 mice in H2O (b) and antibiotic (c) treated groups. d, e Antibiotics effect: volcano plots of microglia genes that differ between H2O and antibiotic treated groups in WT (d) and SOD1 (e) mice. f Ingenuity pathway analysis of microglial transcriptional profiles, scaled by number of affected genes (size of circle), and predicted z-score for activation (red-blue). g DeSeq2 normalized counts of select MGnD genes (left) or homeostatic genes (right) that are amplified by antibiotic treatment. h Genes altered in SOD vs. WT mice and further altered by antibiotic treatment in SOD mice, DESeq FDR-adjusted q value < 0.2

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