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Fig. 5 | Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Utilizing a reductionist model to study host-microbe interactions in intestinal inflammation

Fig. 5

Colitis in WASP deficiency results in microbial transcriptional changes associated with stress adaptation and immunogenicity. Germ-free WT/HET and Was−/− mice were colonized with the ASF community and a subset were gavaged with H. bilis. Feces from 3 mice of each genotype/microbiota combination (WT/HET or Was−/− with or without H. bilis) at 15 weeks after H. bilis gavage were subjected to bacterial metatranscriptomic sequencing. A Principal component analysis of high variance Gene Ontology (GO) terms for all samples. Statistics calculated by PERMANOVA comparing WT/HET with Was−/− samples. B Heatmap of high variance GO terms. Color scale indicates row-wise z-scores of log-transformed CPM values. BP, biological process: CC, cellular component, MF, molecular function. C–E RNA-seq volcano plots showing differential gene expression of H. bilis (C), ASF457 M. schaedleri (D), and ASF519 P. goldsteinii (E) in Was−/− (positive log2(fold change (FC)) compared to WT/HET (negative log2(FC)) mice colonized with ASF and H. bilis. Y-axis shows p-values corrected for multiple comparison. Red dots represent genes that are significantly differentially expressed as determined by the DESeq2 Wald test

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