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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Gammaproteobacteria, a core taxon in the guts of soil fauna, are potential responders to environmental concentrations of soil pollutants

Fig. 3

Correlations among the transcriptome, gut microbiome, and gut Gammaproteobacteria of Folsomia candida (A). PCoA based on the Folsomia candida gene expression value (TPM) data using Bray-Curtis distances showing the different clusters in the control and the treated groups (OTC, AZ, and AO) (B). Heatmap of the level of expression (the color key indicates the TPM value) (C), and associated KEGG functional pathway (the color scale and red text indicate the primary and various secondary pathways, respectively) (D). Ordinary least squares (OLS) linear regression between Gammaproteobacteria (relative abundance) and physiological and biochemical indicators of F. candida (number of juveniles, HAA index, enzymatic activity of CYP450, and ROS concentration) (E). Structural equation model (SEM) of the relationships among the gut bacteria (Shannon index), treated groups, bacteriaShannon/fungiShannon (B/F) index, cytochrome P450 (enzymatic activity), the HAA index, Gammaproteobacteria (relative abundance), transcriptome (PC1 of the TPM value using Bray-Curtis distances), and the goodness-of-fit index (GFI) and the Bentler comparative fit index (CFI) indicating the goodness-of-fit of the models to the original data. Dashed lines indicates the “not significant correlation” (F). The direct, indirect, and total standardized effects of Gammaproteobacteria on the indicators (G)

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