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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Metal(loid) speciation and transformation by aerobic methanotrophs

Fig. 3

a Pathways of methane-driven metal biotransformation by obligate aerobic methanotrophs. b Genomic distribution of potential biomarker genes involved in metal transformation in methanotrophs. Presence/absence of biomarker genes are mapped to a phylogenomic tree constructed using 74 single-copy marker genes specific to Bacteria via the GtoTree (v1.5.22) pipeline (as described in [135]). Protein sequences were retrieved using HMMER3 tool and multiple alignments were produced using MUSCLE (v.3.8.31, default settings). Conserved alignment blocks were identified using trimal (v1.4; -automated1 option) and subsequently used for tree construction using the IQTREE2 (v2.0.3) using default setting and 1000 boostraps

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