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Fig. 1 | Microbiome

Fig. 1

From: Glacier ice archives nearly 15,000-year-old microbes and phages

Fig. 1

Establishment of decontamination protocol. a Schematic of layered removal of the outer core surface to obtain clean inner ice (top panel) and experimental approach to establish decontamination procedures using sterile artificial ice core sections coated with mock “contaminants” (down panel). Cut, wash, and inner represent ice samples collected from band saw scrapping, water washing, and the inner ice, respectively. Mix represents a sample from the melted ice of a control ice core section prepared without decontamination processing. The mock contaminants were detected by qPCR and nested PCR (see “Materials and methods”) in (b) and (c). b Total bacterial (dark teal color) and viral (purple color) numbers were quantified by qPCR using strain-designed primers in all samples collected in (a). c Lambda DNA was detected using nested PCR with designed outer and inner primer sets for lambda DNA. PCR products from inner primer sets were visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis; 1, 100bp DNA ladder; 2–7 represent 1.9×104, 103, 102, 101, 100, and 10−1 (10-times dilution from standards) copies of lambda DNA, respectively, used as templates for nested PCR; 8, Control_Negative (no template); 9, Sample Cut1; 10, Wash1;11, Inner1; 12, Cut2; 13, Wash2; 14, Inner2; 15, 100bp DNA ladder (same as 1); 16, Control_Mix; 17, Control_Negative (same as 8)

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