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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Gut microbiota modulation with long-chain corn bran arabinoxylan in adults with overweight and obesity is linked to an individualized temporal increase in fecal propionate

Fig. 4

Temporal and individualized responses of the OTUs and CARGs affected by arabinoxylan and microcrystalline cellulose. a Plots show the temporal response of the ten most abundant OTUs (detected in > 25% of subjects) and the seven CARGs. Centered log-ratio transformed data were analyzed by Friedman’s test (with Dunn’s correction) to assess within-group changes between time points (i.e., ΔW1–BL and ΔW6–W1). b Bubble plot shows individualized differences (ΔW6–BL) in relative proportions of the ten most abundant OTUs (percentage of total microbiota composition) and CARGs (sum of OTUs) detected after 6 weeks of arabinoxylan and microcrystalline cellulose supplementation. The size of the bubble is proportional to the change in abundance relative to baseline, while the color of the bubble represents the direction of the change (red: increase; black: decrease). The “X” indicates that the OTU was either undetected or the change was < 0.02% relative abundance. BL baseline, CARG co-abundance response group, OTU operational taxonomic unit, W1 week 1, W6 week 6

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