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Fig. 3 | Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Gut microbiota modulation with long-chain corn bran arabinoxylan in adults with overweight and obesity is linked to an individualized temporal increase in fecal propionate

Fig. 3

Identification of co-abundance response groups (CARGs) during arabinoxylan supplementation. a Heatmap shows the change (ΔW6–BL) in relative abundance of 41 OTUs affected by arabinoxylan (p < 0.1, Wilcoxon test). The hierarchical dendrogram shows clustering of centered log-ratio (CLR) transformed OTUs (rows) based on Spearman’s correlation distances by the complete-linkage clustering algorithm, and then grouped on the dendrogram into seven CARGs by PERMANOVA (p < 0.05). Subjects (columns) clustered based on Euclidean distances. Colors from blue to red indicate the direction and magnitude of change. b Co-response network analysis. Each node represents an OTU, where the size is proportional to the change (ΔW6–BL) in relative abundance, the shape indicates direction of change (positive: circle; negative: square), and the color references the respective CARG to which it was clustered. Lines between nodes represent significant positive (red line) or negative (blue line) Spearman’s correlations (rs values ≥ 0.5 or ≤ − 0.5 and q values < 0.05). BL baseline, OTU operational taxonomic unit, W6 week 6

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