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Fig. 7 | Microbiome

Fig. 7

From: Differential dynamics of microbial community networks help identify microorganisms interacting with residue-borne pathogens: the case of Zymoseptoria tritici in wheat

Fig. 7

Subnetworks based on the data in Fig. 5 a and composed of differential bacterial and fungal ASVs identified in residue samples (originating from wheat plants inoculated and non-inoculated with Zymoseptoria tritici) and of the first adjacent nodes. Node color corresponds to the results of LefSe differential analysis between inoculated (orange) and non-inoculated (blue) treatments. Only genera with p values < 0.01 for the Kruskal-Wallis tests and LDA scores > 2 were retained for the plot. The first adjacent nodes of each differential ASV are not named, except for ASVs interacting with Z. tritici. Edges represent positive (green) or negative (red) interactions. Differential ASVs are plotted with genus name abbreviations: Acido(vorax), Acrem(onium), Aerom(icrobium), Alkal(ibacterium), Alter(naria), Aquab(acterium), Arthr(obacter), Blume(ria), Botry(osporium), Brach(ybacterium), Brevi(bacterium), Brevu(ndimonas), Chaet(omium), Chrys(eobacterium), Clado(sporium), Crypt(ococcus), Curto(bacterium), Desem(zia), Devos(ia), Epico(ccum), Falsi(rhodobacter), Flavo(bacterium), Frond(ihabitans), Fusar(ium), Gibel(lulopsis), Halom(onas), Massi(lia), MethB(=Methylobacterium), MethP(=Methylophilus), Monog(raphella), Neorh(izobium), Neose(tophoma), Nocar(dioides), Novih(erbaspirillum), Panto(ea), Parac(occus), Param(icrothyrium), Pedob(acter), Penic(illium), Phaeo(sphaeria), PhaeP(sphaeriopsis), Plano(coccus), PlanM(=Planomicrobium), Pseud(omonas), PseuP(=Pseudopithomyces), Rhizo(bium), Rhoda(nobacter), Salin(irepens), Sangu(ibacter), Saroc(ladium), SphiB(=Sphingobium), SphiG(=Sphingomonas), Stago(nospora), Steno(trophomonas), Symme(trospora), Terri(bacillus), Torul(a), Trich(oderma), Uncl.(assified), Vario(vorax), and Zymos(eptoria)

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