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Fig. 4 | Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Genomic variation and biogeography of Antarctic haloarchaea

Fig. 4

Infection of ACAM34 and R1S1 with Antarctic halovirus DLHTHV. a Transmission electron micrograph of the halovirus. b Effect of halovirus infection on growth of ACAM34 and R1S1. Growth retardation was observed during infection of ACAM34 but not R1S1. c Confirmation of infection of ACAM34 using PCR specific to the halovirus. L GeneRuler 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (Thermo Fisher Scientific), C purified halovirus DNA control, RC R1S1 uninfected, RI R1S1 infected, AC ACAM34 uninfected, AI ACAM34 infected. The halovirus-specific PCR product is visible as a thick black band (lanes C and AI). The same concentration of template DNA was used for all samples. The original gel image was modified by removing gel lanes (indicated by gaps) to improve visual presentation. d Plaque assay showing plaques formed (small zones of clearing) from infection of ACAM34 with the halovirus. No plaques were formed with infection of R1S1

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