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Table 1 Summary of study endpoints

From: Treatment of biofilms in bacterial vaginosis by an amphoteric tenside pessary-clinical study and microbiota analysis


 Primary endpoint

 Secondary endpoints

Local tolerability of medical devices (defined as a cumulative sum score of solicited local ADEs between visit 2 and visit 4)

Secondary tolerability endpoints:

  solicited and unsolicited adverse events and ADEs

  global assessment of tolerability

  leucocytes in vaginal smear

Secondary efficacy endpoints:

  assessment of biofilm/EPS

  percentage of patients with clue cells

  changes in vaginal pH values

  changes in Nugent score

  changes in vaginal flora

  global judgment of patient and investigator recurrence of BV during the 12-week follow-up phase


 Excluded women (n = 72)

 Included women (n = 44)

No biofilm and/ or

No EPS and/ or

Nugent score < 7 and/ or

other reason (e.g., smoking)

Age (mean)

32.4 years (range 19–51 years)


83.7% Caucasian, 11.6% with African descent

Previous vulvovaginal diseases

39.5% (23.3% BV, 2.3% candidiasis, 16.3% unidentified vaginal infection or dybiosis)

Miscarriage or preterm birth


Systemic hormonal contraceptives


  1. ADE adverse device event