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Fig. 2 | Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Cultivation of stable, reproducible microbial communities from different fecal donors using minibioreactor arrays (MBRAs)

Fig. 2

Impact of MBRA cultivation on community composition and structure. Using the data described in Figure 1, we determined pairwise relationships between samples from MBRA communities inoculated with different fecal samples and their respective fecal inocula using (a) Bray-Curtis and (b) Sorenson dissimilarity measures and plotted this data with non-metric multi-dimensional scaling. Fecal samples = solid diamonds; MBRA communities = open symbols, with replicate 1 = squares, replicate 2 = circles, replicate 3 = triangles, replicate 4 = diamond, replicate 5 = inverted triangle, replicate 6 = asterisks; donors A, B, C, and the pool = blue, green, purple, and black, respectively. The stress for each NMDS plot is indicated

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