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Microbiome special series

Host-microbiota interactions: from holobiont theory to analysis

Follow-up of the First International Conference on Holobionts

(Paris, April 19-21, 2017)

It is becoming increasingly clear that the development, nutrition, physiology and health of most macro-organisms are influenced by the complex microbial communities they host, that shape their ecology and evolution. Biology is indeed undergoing a paradigm shift, where individual phenotypes are seen as a result of the combined expression of the host and associated microbe genomes, leading to the popularization of notions of the holobiont (the host and its microbiota) and the hologenome (the collective genomes of a holobiont). Holobiont research is now an imperative across numerous fields of the life and medical sciences, including aspects of (bio)informatics. This pushed the scientific community to organize the first International Conference on Holobionts in Paris, April 19-21, 2017.

Topic: in this special series in Microbiome, we welcome papers that show, use or debate the concept of holobiont to approach taxonomically and ecologically diverse organisms, from humans and plants, to sponges and insects. Papers discussing ecological or evolutionary aspects of the holobiont are also welcome.

Formats: we welcome any paper following the journal’s formats, i.e. Research article, Case report, Commentary, Letter to the Editor, Methodology, Microbiome announcement, Review, Short report and Software article. Short reviews are highly welcome. For more details, see Microbiome's submission guidelines.

In the cover letter, the authors should briefly (2-3 sentences) state how their paper is related to the holobiont special series, and indicate the guest editor they would like to handle their paper.

Deadline for submission: November 15th, 2017

Guest editors:
Julian Marchesi (Imperial College London)
Christophe Mougel (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
Marc-André Selosse (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Paris ; University of Gdansk)
Jean-Christophe Simon (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)